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Interesting though

I’m at the ProFOSS virtualisation event currently. This morning there was a nice talk by Tarry Singh in which an interesting (and, imho, correct) thought was raised:

What matters is Usable Source, a mix of Open Source and Closed Source.

(Disclaimer: these aren’t his exact words, they might be rephrased a little, but you get the idea.)

I kinda like the idea :-)

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3 Responses

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  1. Anon says

    Well, since you can’t use closed source for extension or verify it’s quality, ‘usable source’ will have no closed source code.

  2. Pascal Van Hecke says

    Ah bon, ik was daar ook.
    IK heb met 2 mensen van Gent Universiteit/IBBT staan babbelen, waaronder Stijn Eeckhaut. Was jij de tweede?

  3. Pascal Van Hecke says

    (ah blijkbaar toch niet gepraat, nu ik je Linkedin profiel heb gelezen)

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