Ikke's blog » scripting http://eikke.com 'cause this is what I do Sun, 13 Feb 2011 14:58:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.4.1 Scripting your app http://eikke.com/scripting-your-app/ http://eikke.com/scripting-your-app/#comments Tue, 09 Sep 2008 21:12:28 +0000 Nicolas http://eikke.com/scripting-your-app/ Lots of buzz on adding scripting interfaces to applications on Planet GNOME recently, cool. Looks like Alexander Larsson hacked together a wrapper around SpiderMonkey (the Mozilla Engine) to get JavaScript integrated. Related to the jscore-python thing I blogged about before.

Not sure this is the best way to tackle this cool new opportunity though. JavaScript can be pretty hard to “get” for people not used to it, but more familiar with classical languages (wrt object oriented paradigms). I guess lots of current code contributors are not very familiar with JavaScript, but do have an in-depth knowledge of some other scripting language though (not listing any here, you certainly can name some).

So, wouldn’t it be nice if the GScript interface would be abstract for the application developer, who should just create a script context, put some objects in it, and launch a script, after which the GScript runtime figures out which interpreter to use for this script, so scripting languages become plugable?

Reminds me a little of my old OPluginManager work :-)

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